Last Updated on by Dan S
Originally Published March 20, 2023.

In a surprising turn of events, Oberlo, the popular dropshipping app that revolutionized the way entrepreneurs connect with suppliers, has announced its shutdown. This news has sent ripples through the e-commerce community, leaving many to wonder about the future of their online stores.

If you’ve been relying on Oberlo for your dropshipping business, you’re likely seeking answers and alternatives. The discontinuation of such a pivotal tool may seem daunting, but it’s also an opportunity to explore new avenues and strategies for your e-commerce venture. Let’s dive into what this means for you and how you can navigate the post-Oberlo landscape.

Reasons Behind Oberlo Discontinuation

In May 2022, Oberlo, a cornerstone in Shopify’s ecosystem and a lifeline for many dropshipping merchants, faced an unexpected shutdown. Understanding the reasons behind this closure is crucial for thousands of entrepreneurs looking for clarity and direction. Despite Oberlo’s popularity and its significant role in simplifying dropshipping from AliExpress, Shopify made a strategic decision to discontinue Oberlo.

The primary factor was Shopify’s vision to streamline its services and focus on tools that offer the most value to its merchants. With the e-commerce landscape evolving rapidly, Shopify aims to adapt by investing in solutions that are more aligned with current market needs and future growth opportunities. This strategic pivot reflects Shopify’s commitment to providing the best possible resources for its users, even if it means making tough decisions like discontinuing popular apps.

Another reason for Oberlo’s discontinuation is the rise of new and advanced platforms offering similar or superior services. DSers, now recommended by Shopify as the preferred AliExpress dropshipping solution, offers functionalities that surpass those of Oberlo. DSers provides enhanced order management capabilities, bulk order processing, and a more user-friendly interface, making it a worthy successor in the dropshipping domain.

The shift to DSers also indicates Shopify’s intention to consolidate its dropshipping tools, ensuring merchants have access to a powerful, efficient, and integrated solution. This transition not only aligns with Shopify’s goal of fostering a more enriched e-commerce environment but also promises a seamless migration process for former Oberlo users.

For entrepreneurs navigating this change, understanding these reasons is the first step toward adapting to the new landscape. While the discontinuation of Oberlo marks the end of an era, it also ushers in new opportunities for growth and success in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce.

Impact on E-commerce Community

The unexpected shutdown of Oberlo has sent ripples through the e-commerce community, affecting thousands of merchants who relied on the platform for dropshipping. If you’re one of these entrepreneurs, you might be wondering about the short and long-term repercussions of this significant change.

Firstly, Oberlo’s discontinuation underscores the volatile nature of digital tools and platforms. It’s a stark reminder that relying heavily on a single app or service for your e-commerce operations can be risky. Diversification of your toolset is crucial to mitigate such risks.

Additionally, for those who used Oberlo extensively, the shift necessitates a quick adaptation to new platforms. DSers, now Shopify’s recommended AliExpress dropshipping solution, emerges as a primary alternative. If you’re transitioning to DSers, you’ll find a range of advanced features and a user-friendly interface designed to streamline your dropshipping business.

Key AspectOberloDSers
IntegrationShopify exclusiveExtensive with Shopify and others
User InterfaceSimple and intuitiveFeature-rich, user-focused
Automation CapabilitiesBasic automationAdvanced automation including bulk ordering

The transition to DSers or any other dropshipping platform could also be an opportunity to reassess and optimize your business processes. Learning and leveraging the unique capabilities of these new tools could unlock greater efficiencies and potentially drive higher profits.

The discontinuation of Oberlo signals a shift in Shopify’s strategy towards providing a more integrated and feature-rich ecosystem for its users. It’s a move that aligns with the fast-evolving demands of the e-commerce landscape. As you navigate through this transition, being proactive, adaptable, and open to exploring new tools and strategies will be key to your continued success in e-commerce.


Steps for Transitioning Away from Oberlo

Transitioning away from Oberlo after its unexpected shutdown might seem daunting, but with the right steps, you can navigate this change smoothly and effectively. Here’s how to ensure your dropshipping business remains resilient and adaptable.

Evaluate Your Current Setup

Firstly, you’ll need to assess your current setup with Oberlo. Make a list of all the essential features you frequently use, including product importation, order fulfillment, and inventory management. Understanding your most relied-upon features will help you find a matching or superior platform that can meet or exceed your current needs.

Research Alternatives to Oberlo

With Oberlo no longer available, it’s crucial to look into alternatives. DSers has emerged as a highly recommended choice, backed by Shopify itself. DSers offers a seamless integration with AliExpress, allowing for efficient product importation and order management. Compare the functionalities of DSers with those of other platforms to ensure you find the best fit for your business model.

Oberlo shutdown

Test the New Platform

Before fully committing to a new platform, take some time to test it. Many services offer free trials or demo versions. Use this opportunity to explore DSers or any other alternative you’re considering. Pay close attention to the user interface, ease of integration with Shopify, and whether it supports all the essential features you require.

Migrate Your Data

After choosing a suitable replacement, begin the migration process. This may involve transferring product information, customer data, and order histories. If you’re moving to DSers, they offer guidance and support for migrating from Oberlo, making the transition as smooth as possible.

Update Your Operations and Policies

Switching tools is an opportune time to review and update your standard operating procedures. Given the new platform’s features, you might find better ways to streamline operations. Ensure your return policies, shipping times, and other customer-facing information reflect any changes due to the new platform.

By following these steps, you can transition away from Oberlo effectively, ensuring your dropshipping business does not just survive but possibly thrives after the switch. The key is to remain flexible, open to new solutions like DSers, and constantly look for ways to optimize your e-commerce operations.

Exploring Alternatives to Oberlo

After the surprise shutdown of Oberlo, you’re likely on the lookout for alternatives that can seamlessly integrate into your Shopify dropshipping business. The discontinuation of Oberlo has left a gap in many merchants’ operations, but the good news is that there are several viable platforms ready to take its place, most notably, DSers.

Why DSers Stands Out

DSers has quickly emerged as a favored alternative, recommended directly by Shopify. It’s designed to offer simplicity and efficiency in managing AliExpress dropshipping processes, similar to what you were accustomed to with Oberlo. Here are a few reasons why DSers is an excellent choice:

  • Bulk Orders: DSers allows the placing of multiple orders at once, significantly saving time and making it ideal for scaling operations.
  • Variants Mapping: Customize products by diversifying variants in a more user-friendly manner.
  • Supplier Optimizer: Quickly identify and switch to better suppliers with superior prices or shorter shipping times.

These features highlight how DSers isn’t just a replacement but a potential upgrade from what Oberlo offered.

Migrating to DSers

Transitioning to DSers from Oberlo can be relatively straightforward. The platform offers detailed guides and customer support to assist in migrating your data and setting up your shop. Additionally, being Shopify recommended comes with the assurance that DSers integrates perfectly with your Shopify store, promising a level of compatibility and support that can help you quickly get back to business.

Given the unexpected shutdown of Oberlo, understanding the alternatives and how to leverage them for your dropshipping business is crucial. DSers stands out as a robust solution, offering enhanced tools and features that can help take your e-commerce venture to new heights. Integrating DSers into your dropshipping strategy involves assessing its benefits, understanding its features, and executing a smooth transition, all of which can set the stage for continued success in an ever-evolving digital marketplace.

Adapting to the Post-Oberlo Landscape

The abrupt shutdown of Oberlo has left many Shopify merchants scrambling for alternatives. Fortunately, the e-commerce landscape is rich with options, and adapting to this change can be smoother than you might think. Key to navigating this shift is understanding your needs and how different platforms can meet them.

DSers, recommended by Shopify itself, stands out as a robust alternative to Oberlo. It offers a wide array of features such as bulk orders, variant mapping, and supplier optimization which not only replicate but arguably surpass the functionality Oberlo was known for. If you’re transitioning from Oberlo to DSers, you’ll find comfort in knowing that DSers has prepared an extensive array of guides and resources to streamline this process.

Why Transitioning is Easier Than You Think

Switching platforms might seem daunting, but it’s quite straightforward with DSers. Here’s why:

  • Shopify’s Endorsement: DSers is not just an alternative; it’s the recommended next step for Oberlo users. This endorsement comes with assurances of compatibility and support, making the transition smoother.
  • User-Friendly Interface: DSers has been designed with user experience in mind, ensuring that you can easily find your way around its features without a steep learning curve.
  • Detailed Guides: There are numerous tutorials, FAQs, and community forums available. These resources are invaluable for troubleshooting and getting the most out of DSers.

Broaden Your Horizons

While DSers is a front-runner, don’t limit your exploration. The digital marketplace is constantly evolving, offering new and improved solutions for dropshipping needs. Broadening your horizons to include other platforms can uncover features that might be uniquely beneficial to your business model.

In summary, adapting to the post-Oberlo landscape is about exploring, learning, and integrating new tools that can not only replace but potentially enhance your e-commerce operations. With DSers leading the charge as a highly capable and endorsed alternative, the transition might be an opportunity to refine and grow your online store in ways previously unimagined.


The closure of Oberlo has undoubtedly left a gap in the Shopify ecosystem but it’s also paved the way for more advanced platforms like DSers. By making the switch, you’re not just finding a replacement; you’re upgrading your e-commerce operations with superior features and a smoother user experience.

The key to thriving in the ever-changing online marketplace is adaptability. Exploring and integrating new tools into your strategy will ensure your store remains competitive and continues to grow. So take this opportunity to refine your approach and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead with DSers and beyond.