Last Updated on by Dan S
Originally Published September 4, 2023.

The allure of exclusivity has an undeniable appeal for customers, and this fascination is precisely what fuels the success of brands like Supreme. People crave that sense of uniqueness, relishing the opportunity to own a product that sets them apart from the crowd.

Incorporating a ‘waiting list’ or “pre-tail” concept into your Shopify store can be a game-changer. Allowing shoppers to join a waiting list instills in them the anticipation of being among the select few granted access to a coveted item. However, it’s important to note that Shopify doesn’t provide a built-in feature for this purpose. So, the question arises: How can you integrate this sought-after waiting list feature into your store?

Creating a Waiting List Feature in Shopify

Although Shopify lacks native waiting list functionality, you can introduce this feature to your shop with a touch of coding finesse, primarily leveraging Shopify’s Draft feature.

To begin, you’ll need to add a ‘Join Our Waiting List’ section to your store, enabling customers to express their interest. Subsequently, you’ll gather the information of these eager customers and incorporate it into your Customers tab for easy access.

Now armed with a list of interested customers, you can initiate the creation of Draft orders. This entails sending out invoices to the customers, accompanied by a convenient link to the checkout page, streamlining the purchase process.

Should you require any additional, tailor-made functionalities, don’t hesitate to consult with a Shopify expert for expert guidance and assistance.

Utilizing an App

waiting list app

Introducing, your ultimate solution to supercharge your Shopify store’s product launches and ignite a wildfire of hype, all while harnessing the immense power of social proof and exclusivity through our innovative referral waitlists.

With, the process is brilliantly simple yet incredibly effective. Your eager customers have the chance to join a waiting list, establishing a sense of anticipation that’s nothing short of electrifying. But here’s where the magic happens: customers are activated one by one, or if you prefer, in convenient batches. This means they gain exclusive access to purchase the product they’ve been eagerly awaiting.

But wait, there’s more! We’ve taken exclusivity to a whole new level by offering customers the golden opportunity to invite their friends to leapfrog the waiting line. It’s a win-win scenario, as your customers feel like VIPs, and you benefit from exponential growth through word-of-mouth marketing.

Waiting lists aren’t just about creating buzz; they’re a strategic game-changer for your store. They enable you to cultivate a base of enthusiastic fans who can’t wait to get their hands on your products. And when you’re ready to launch, you have a captive audience ready and waiting.

Conclusion: Harnessing the Anticipation and Exclusivity of Waiting Lists

In conclusion, the allure of exclusivity is a potent force that drives the success of renowned brands like Supreme, as customers yearn for the distinctiveness that comes with owning a unique product. To harness this power in your Shopify store, the ‘waiting list’ concept emerges as a game-changing strategy.

While Shopify lacks a built-in waiting list feature, you have two compelling options at your disposal. The first involves a touch of coding finesse, leveraging Shopify’s Draft feature to create a waiting list from scratch. By enabling customers to express their interest and streamlining their purchase journey with Draft orders, you can foster a sense of anticipation and exclusivity.

For a more user-friendly and feature-rich approach, there’s—an innovative app designed to supercharge your product launches. not only manages waiting lists with precision but also adds a dynamic layer of social proof and exclusivity through referral waitlists. This not only heightens anticipation but also triggers organic growth through customer referrals.

In both cases, waiting lists are not just about creating buzz; they are strategic tools that empower your store to cultivate a loyal customer base. When the moment is right for your product launch, you’ll find an eager and engaged audience ready and waiting to make it a resounding success.

So, whether you choose to code your way or rely on the seamless capabilities of, the path to Shopify success is paved with anticipation, exclusivity, and satisfied customers.