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Action offers – What are they?

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What are “Action offers”?

Action offers are similar to “On-Page offers” but are triggered by the customer.

On-Page offers always appear on the product page when loaded.

Action offers on the other hand appear when the customer has clicked the product’s “Add to cart” button, thus triggering a popup to show with the incredible offers you have created.

Action Offer Modes:

There are 2 types of Action offer:

  • Cross-Sell
  • Upsell

Cross-sell [Most Popular]: Product offers can be added alongside the trigger product. For example, if the product page was a box of golf balls and your Action offer was a set of tees, both are added to the cart.

Upsell: Product offers will replace the trigger product when selected. For example, if you had a standard coffee machine, you could offer the deluxe coffee machine. If a customer accepts the offer, only the deluxe coffee machine is added to the cart


How do I create an Action offer?

Simply click “Manage Action offers” from the dashboard and set them up the same way as you would an On Page offer. With Action offers, the variants are always shown for the product offered to maximise offering.

How to create an Action Offer

Upsell Funnels with Action Offers

You can also create multiple Action offers for the same product. This will create an Action Offer funnel. To learn more about these Action Offer funnels, check out this guide.

SellUp action offer


Important note: If your theme redirects after a user adds a product to cart, you must check the redirect checkbox under SellUp settings.

If you have not found what you are looking for, you can open a support ticket.
Previous: On Page Offers – What are they?
Next: Cart Upsells – What are they?
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