Last Updated on by Dan S
Originally Published August 5, 2021.

Maximise payday on your Shopify store

Payday is a key day for many people all around the globe. For those on a tight budget, purchasing decisions are usually delayed until the funds are in place. For most, this occurs on a magical day known as payday.

Quite simply, payday is the day your hard earned pay check arrives and you can enjoy the fruits of your labour as well as paying the bills. Payday isn’t the same day for all but for most, it falls near the end of the month. So for this article and our methods, you should have the last day of the month in your mind for these.

Window shoppers will have mentally noted products they will be eyeing on payday but with a lot of competition on the web these days, its sometimes tricky to get your store/brand at the front of these paydayer’s minds.

Let’s go through some techniques you can deploy to maximise your sales on payday.



1) Offer a discount/promotion

Who doesn’t love a discount?! Offering a promotion on payday is a simple way to attract the customers and secure those payday purchases. Something like a 15% discount is incentivising enough and should still leave you with some nice profit. You should think about creating a nice discount based email and queuing it to be sent out at the end of every month. Remember to limit the promotion to 48 hours or similar.


2) Shout on Social

Get those instagram posts up. Your following will happy to know you haven’t forgotten about them and will appreciate the commercial reminder especially if they have a healthy bank balance to now purchase some goods with! Retail therapy FTW.


3) Setup payday reminders

Payday reminders are the perfect way to bring back potential purchasers armed with cash at the end of the month. Its not as hard as you think to get this setup. In fact, one app called Ping makes it a sub 5 minute job. With Ping, you get a “set & forget” app that will work 24/7 to scoop up your unconverted traffic (the 97% or so that don’t purchase) and send them timely reminders. These reminders land in their inbox on payday and you get a potentially converted customer. Easy.


So there you have it. 3 simple methods you can deploy that will maximise payday. With 12 months of the year, its like a mini Black Friday every month so you want to be maximising payday for sure!